Suede oxfords and a grey suit? Yessir.
Clothes don’t make the man, they say. That is certainly true. But, by the same token, let’s not pretend appearances don’t matter. They most assuredly do. Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to have a Savile Row tailor at your beck and call in order to make a good impression. Casual-wear, even artfully schlumpy-wear, can pack the right punch in the right hands. At the end of the day, a dynamic sense of personal style has to come from a sincere place. Intuitively knowing what to wear with what–and when–helps.
Take the quintessential light grey suit, for example. It’s one of those wardrobe stalwarts you don’t necessarily pay any mind to until you realize you need it. Fact is, a well-pressed light grey suit is brilliant come summer and fall–and always will be. When paired with blue-hued, and even lightly-patterned, dress shirts, its effect can be striking.
Footwear-wise you can go in a few different directions here but consider a brown suede oxford. The sharp hit of textural and tonal contrast this shoe provides is very simpatico. A light grey suit and brown dress lace-ups: a beautiful way to pump up your style game this season, at the office, and out on the town.
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